Blues Turnaround in E - No 1


I am going to do some short videos with small pieces of music such as turnarounds and licks, which can be incorporated into pieces of blues music. In this first one, I am going to show you a popular turnaround in the Key of E. This is played on a guitar in standard tuning and uses a pattern of descending 7th chords. There are 2 parts to it. The first is when it is played as a turnaround, for when the music loops back on itself. The second is for when it is played as an ending to a piece of music. This turnaround is easy to play and can easily be incorporated into a piece of blues music in the key of E. It works very well with a 12 bar blues in E.

The video shows me playing it at normal speed, and then shows me playing it slower with the tab on the screen. To download the tabs, click the links below.

Blues Turnaround in E - No 1 Tab - Power Tab - PDF - TXT

Thanks for Reading,
