Power Tab Editor

On this site I will post a number of tabs of various blues tunes. I will post them not only in pdf format but also in power tab format.

Power Tab is a tab editor package which was created many years ago by Brad Larsen. Although the software is quite old and no longer updated I still find it to be one of the best tab editors out there for the type of music I play and write.

It has a powerful interface which combines the guitar tab with musical notation. It has all the musical symbols and directions, and a wide range of guitar techniques available to add to your music. It is especially good for fingerstyle guitar as it allows you to add a separate high guitar part and a low, bass guitar part on the same stave and tab line. Of course, it also allows your tab to be played back to you with a cursor following the music which I find to be an invaluable learning aid when trying to learn a new song.

It also has many other helpful features such as an excellent chord dictionary and chord finder, and allows the music to be outputed in text and html format as well as in its own power tab format.

And, one of its most attractive features is that it is completely free to download and use without any restrictions or nags appearing when using it.

It is not without its limitations and problems though. For instance, it doesnt facilitate the large multi instrument setup which packages like Guitar Pro does and the midi output sound qulaity isn't great. Moreover, the learning curve for using it can be steep especially if you are unfamiliar with musical notation. However, for a free piece of software it is by and large an excellent tab editor.

Here is a cropped screenshot showing the interface with a simple piece of music tabbed out in it.

Here is the link to the site which allows for download of the software. It is a small piece of software which is quick to install and doenst take up much hard disk space. Moreover, the individual tab files are only a few kilobytes in size.

Power Tab download page

Once installed, it will allow .ptb files (the power tab file format) to be associated to it for quick opening of the files. For opening the power tabs on my site, just click the link and it will take you to google drive where the file is stored. Click download and the file should open up in Power Tab.

Have fun and enjoy using the software,


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